CREATE Creative Arts Academy

CREATE logo square (002)


Welcome to the Creative Arts Academy.  

This brand new facility is home to specialist studios and teachers offering learning in an exciting range of creative courses including -

  • Art & Design
  • Photography
  • Textiles
  • 3D Design and Graphics

We offer a wide range of opportunities outside of the classroom in our CREATE Club program.  

Our specially tailored curriculum is designed to enable all students to find their individual creative pathway.  Our courses offer young people a doorway to a successful future in a diverse and rewarding career.

"This is a rich course which provides opportunities for all students to succeed" - AQA Moderator 2023




The Five Year Curriculum: Creative Arts

Snake Image


23rd July 2024: CREATE Creative Arts Academy celebrate their first Summer Show

The CREATE Creative Arts Academy at Coombeshead Academy held their first summer show this month.

The inaugural exhibition was attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Newton Abbot.  They got to see a  stunning collection of work from students in Years 7 to 13.    The gallery space showcased art from many different disciplines including Art & Design, Textiles, 3D Design, Graphics and Photography GCSE and A-level work.  

The CREATE Creative Arts Academy is home to specialist studios and teachers offering learning in an exciting range of creative courses.  CREATE offers Art & Design, Photography, Textiles, 3D Design and Graphics offering young people a doorway to a successful future in diverse and rewarding careers.

Please click on link /733/news-1/post/196/create-creative-arts-academy-celebrate-their-first-summer-show

19th July 2024: Coombeshead Academy hosts local artist Alistair Lambert for sculpture workshop

Year 10 3D Art students from Coombeshead Academy have taken part in a two day artist workshop funded by The Helen Foundation this month. 

The Helen Foundation is a charity to enrich the experience of young people in all branches of the arts in Teignbridge, South Devon.  They subsidise arts-based workshops in schools led by professional artists. 

Please click on link- /733/news-1/post/197/coombeshead-academy-hosts-local-artist-alistair-lambert-for-sculpture-workshop

3rd July 2024: CREATE Creative Arts Academy lead organises Devon Art Teachers Conference

please click on link-  CREATE Creative Arts Academy lead organises Devon Art Teachers Conference 

What a fantastic start to this year we have had at CREATE in our new home!   Students from all years have begun working on a variety of exciting projects this half term across all our creative subjects.  We have hosted a number of special events including our Yr 5/6 Saturday Art Taster and Post 16 open evening.

The CREATE team are very much looking forward to next term with even more plans including a print and digital workshop from visiting artist Emma Malony, Yr 5/6 Primary workshops, a talk by Coombeshead alumni students who have recently graduated from Arts University Plymouth and our first major exhibition in our new gallery space.

We have also launched our new instagram page @create_creativeartsacademy so please take a look at even more of our student's work, give the page a follow and keep up to date with all the exciting events we have planned.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the exhibition!

The CREATE Team   

Create term 1


Dates For Your Diary...


Thursday 11th July 5pm -7pm

The CREATE Team invite you to our very first Summer Show!  Please join us in this celebration of our students' creativity on Thursday 11th July 5pm-7pm in the Create Gallery at Coombeshead Academy.  There will be work from all year groups and specialisms on offer.  There will also be refreshments available.


We look forward to seeing you all!

Create summer show 24

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