
Legally Blonde

17th July 2024

Legally Blonde is a show that leans into stereotypes—some eliciting laughter while others make us cringe. But it’s through these stereotypes that we are asked to consider our own judgments and perceptions. As Elle comes to terms with who she is in a place that seeks to define her based on appearance, we also confront questions of loyalty, idealism, and what it means to be true to self.

Luckily, we’re in a different sociocultural landscape than when Legally Blonde took over the stage and screen in the ’00s. The rise of social media, the legalisation of same-sex marriages, and the #MeToo movement now influence the way in which we see Elle Woods’s story in 2024 and the interpretation taken by Coombeshead Academy students.

Kate Sampson and Helena Stuckey-Howard delivered a polished performance as Elle Woods, confidently strutting around the stage while simultaneously melting our hearts. Rhi Chapman who played the role of Paulette was a perfect pairing for Elle as the kooky hairdresser. Hayden Kearney had us laughing our socks off as Kyle but clenching our fists as the obnoxious Callahan.

Thomas Malcolm cleverly internalised Emmett’s personal struggles, so that by “Take It Like a Man” — a musical number where Emmett finds a new sense of style — we believe he had found a new sense of self.

Praise must go to all the cast, from the Harvard students to the Frat boys who created a real party vibe. The Dance troop had audiences on their feet and the chorus brought endless energy. This has been a challenging show to produce but one we will never forget. The cast have been a real credit to us, the school and the community.

We are extremely proud of the feedback we received from members of staff and the public:

“It was so lovely to see some of the students I work with in a completely different light and really enjoying themselves.”

“I think your casting was fab, what amazing singers, dancers, actors and actresses we have at this school, as well as the wonderful students who helped with the sound, lights, stage.”


“We just wanted to send a quick message to say how utterly breath-taking the school show was tonight. The students were incredible from start to finish! We have never seen a school production like that. What talented students! The above and beyond efforts staff had put into organising and supporting the students was clear for all to see and we whole heartedly thank you for the extra ‘million miles’ (not just one mile) all the performing arts staff have gone to put in a show of that standard!”


So in the true essence of Elle Wood… a world of blonde, of sisterhood, of pink. And also a world of defining and defying expectations.

To thine own self be true!

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