
Coombeshead Academy celebrate GCSE results

22nd August 2024

Students from Coombeshead Academy have been picking up their GCSE exam results this morning (22nd August.)  They sat their exams back in May and June and have been waiting for their results ever since along with young people up and down the country. 

At Coombeshead Academy, headteacher Helen Coulson reflected that by using opportunities such as lesson 6, lesson 0, PPEs, walking talking mocks and nothing short of blood sweat and quite often tears; this year group have achieved their full potential. 

 There were notable record results for subjects such as triple science BTEC Sport, Creative Arts, Dance and Food and nutrition alongside great years for both Geography and English literature.  There were also some brilliant individual results, including:

Esme Levey: 3 grade 9s, 4 grade 8s and 2 grade 7s

Harmony Hooper: 2 grade 8s,  6 grade 7s

Darcie Levey: 2 grade 9s, 4 grade 8s, 2 grade 6s

Kristian Szczepankowski: 1 grade 9, 2 grade 8s, 1 grade 7 and 4 grade 6’s

Isobel Curry: 3 grade 8’s. 2 grade 7’s and 4 grade 6’s

Helen Coulson, Headteacher at Coombeshead Academy said:

“I would like to thank our wonderful parents and carers who have done such an amazing job ensuring that their children are able to leave school with the life chances needed to be successful. I would also like to thank the dedicated, hardworking and caring team of staff who have worked tirelessly to support the young people. 

Well done to all our students.” 

Matthew Shanks, CEO of Education South West said:

“Many congratulations to all those students who have collected their GCSE results today, this is always a momentous day, which brings to a close one journey and sets young people on the path to their future.  

“I am so proud of all the staff and students at Coombeshead Academy for a fantastic set of results this year which simply reflect the hard work, dedication and quality of education at these schools.  I wish every student the best with whatever their next steps are.”


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